3,000 U.S. troops have died in Iraq. We must bear witness to this tragic milestone, even though many people are beginning their celebrations of the new year. And when we do take action on this occasion, we must remind others that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children, women and men have also died in this outrageous war and occupation. Our call to end this war and to bring all the troops home now must be heard in every corner of the country! The killing must stop.
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On Saturday, Jan. 27th, people from every corner of the country will march on Washington, DC. Our message will be clear, our voice will be strong: End the war in Iraq, Bring all the troops home now! We urge you to join us!
On Mon., Jan. 29th, we will take our message directly to the new Congress during our lobby day. Click here for more info and to sign up to participate.
You can help make these critical actions a great success:
Make a much-needed donation today.
Spread the word -- click here for flyers to download and distribute, web buttons to post, videos to share, etc.
Sign up to be a local coordinator to help mobilize people from your area to come to DC.
Volunteer in NYC or DC in the weeks leading up to J27, and/or on the day itself.
Connect with other people from your area coming to DC.
Find buses, or offer or request a ride, to DC.
Find or offer housing in DC.
Endorse this call to action. Click here to see the current list of endorsers.
Be one of the first to wear an official J27 t-shirt! Order yours today!
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